President Trump knows I do my hard core training in my Locals account. He knows this is the only safe and secure way I can keep you informed, trained, educated and updated and not be subjected to Socialist Media Censorship.
You would be surprised WHO is really in my Locals learning right along with you. We are all in this together and we are in for the single hardest and most critical fight for our way of life! If America goes down, the whole world goes down.
Think of my Locals as your behind the sceens and in the know locker room. It is the only place where I can safely name names and share detailed plans to win this war! That is why we need more people in the fight.
One of the key things I disucssed with President Trump in our recent face to face meeting was "how we get more people in the fight". I was directly asked "how can we get more people to know what we need to do and focus on and not waste time?" My answer to this is my LOCALS.
Therefore I am immediately, for a very limnited time, cutting my subscription by 50%. We need you in the fight. We need you committed to the cause and the battle. We are doubling our content and our only intent it to win the war against America.
ONE WEEK is all this will run. 50% off right now. We need you in this fight! Will you join us?
Use this link: