We are living history - out loud and in our faces!
Many of us are worn-ass-out. Ready for all this mess to just be over. The fact is this mess is not going to "just be over" - it is here to stay unless we as citizens activate!
Funny thing about activating is with activation comes change. None of us really knew the extent of the deceit and reaping ill-gotten gains was behind our backs! Thanks to the mess in 2020, our eyes are now wide open and there is no going back.
In sports terms, this game is now only ours to lose.
Our eyes are open, we know where the attacks are coming from, and we know what we need to do to defeat the deep state and the cabal.
The question now is: "will enough of us activate to assure we turn this ship around and never let it happen to us ever again?" According to Lord Tytler, a Scottish Historian, the average age of the world's democracies is around 200 years. After two hundred years, the nations collapse due to various economic policies and be followed by a dictatorship.
July we will be 247 years old! Are we 47 years past our prime? Some think so. For me I do not care what the "average statistic" says - I say "track records are made to be broken and as a winner in life, I am here to help America be that shining example of the one which went 500 years and did not fail like others!"
At this point in the fight of our lives I only care about the 3%.
Some historians say (and of course the left wants to fight about it) that only 3% of the population of the Thirteen Colonies in 1776 activated and engaged in the American Revolutionary War. If that number is true (some say it was more like 10%) then give me those men and women - that 3% or 10% who are willing to stand up and activate. Our power comes ONLY from activation!
The chart above shows a pretty good estimate of the US population on March 16, 2023 was: 334,501,778
Lord Tytler identified "Eight Stages of a Democracy", from beginning to end. The eight stages go from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence, and finally from dependence back to bondage.
I'm an over achiever, fighter, warrior and probolem solver - so there is no way I am going down without a huge fight. The fight for me at the moment is two fold:
- Using every resource and tactic I can to take down the EVIL cabal, and;
- Fighting to get my fellow Americans to open thier eyes and activate!
No one ever wants to be the generation who watched thier country fail. Surely, there were people in Rome before the fall that saw the disaster ahead, and many Americans can see the writing on the wall, as the middle class in our nation continues to wallow without a focused game plan to win.
Never EVER Give Up, and;
Take My Money Back From The Woke System
Looking at the population charts above, if we could get just 3% of the 25 - 69-year-old Americans to activate and take their money out of the WOKE consumable products game, we would have 2,670,000 warriors fighting this battle with us.
Now, believe it or not, the overall MakeWokeGoBroke.CLICK parent organization ALREADY has 2 million warriors! We are only 670,000 new Warriors away from hitting that magic 3% mark!
OH, SO CLOSE and now needed more than ever!
Each of you reading this message, easily have a multiplying force where we combined reach over 670,000 fellow Patriots. Just image what we could accomplish if we could get just another 670,000 Warriors to fight this battle with us! We could significantly impact the woke system and begin the dismantling of its evil system!