Hey Guys,
Would you please join me tomorrow evening (Sunday, Feb 26th) at 8:30 PM CST on a Zoom Educational Session?
As you may know we are fighting a war against Socialism, and this is a war we can win - if we all work together! But seems many conservatives have a very hard time working together and it is the very reason we are losing court cases attempting to stop election fraud and lock up the criminals!
It is amazing all the incredible forensic evidence we have brought forth about how our elections have been stolen from us. We all know the rigging of our elections is very real, even though the media says it is not.
Yet, we do not win more court battles - not due to crooked judges or attorneys; we lose because conservatives just do not work well together. Many times, we think it is the left, which is judgmental, but it is the right which is more judgmental.
The left has learned to work in unison, the right finds reasons not to work together.
In 1776 only 3% of the people in the colonies came together to defeat the most powerful army in the world! It's just took 3% of Patriots activating to create our incredible nation. We need 3% to reunite once again to save our nation!
Will you please join me tomorrow evening (Sunday Feb 26th) at 8:30 PM CST for a ZOOM seminar on how we Save America From Socialism?
I will share with you the very simple - and painfully obvious - battle plan to Save America From Socialism! Our battle plan to accomplish this is called MakeWokeGoBroke.CLICK and we are making a difference and changing people’s lives.
There is only two decisions you need to make in order to make a difference:
Will you attend this special zoom?
Will you consider making a simple directional change in how you think about the things you buy week in and week out already in your life?
The following is the zoom registration link and I hope you will give me time to explain how we win this war! It is both so simple and so obvious. But we can only win this war on America IF we all start acting in unison like liberals do!
Please sign-up, hear me out and then hopefully you till join the battle to Save America From Socialism!
Private Zoom with Jovan
Sunday Feb. 26 @ 8:30pm central