Sleeping in is a rare thing for me, yet I slept for just under 14 hours straight this Saturday The sleep brought much-needed rest and led to a huge breakthrough of thought for me (more on that later).
In the days leading up to this Labor Day weekend, my mind (and soul) pushed me into taking a long weekend off. Most days my day begins at 5 am and wraps at 10 pm. Daily, nonstop, 7-days-a-week. Don't get me wrong, I love the grind and we are in World War III after all and this is what it takes to win this fight. But why were my body and soul pushing me (and our whole company) to take a full uninterrupted 3 days off?
Even though the 14 hours of sleep was fantastic, I learned what was driving me to take the time off was not sleep, or rest, it was a deep wound that was festering inside of me. Thinking about it the for almost two years was racking my soul with deep pain and a sense of betrayal.