One of the ways darkness and the Deep State win is they just wear everyone out!
They push and push and tear and rip, until you have nothing left to give. It is part of their plan and how they keep winning. They have unlimited funds and they use them to wear you down. It is not just the typical cancel culture, but also they (as we know now with USAID being exposed) they deploy surrogates disguised as "conservatives" to challenge you and beat you down at every turn.
They can never really go with you head to head on the quality of your work (they are too weak to withstand the heat) and what you have exposed to the American people, but they will do whatever they can to start some of the wildest rumors possible. They infiltrate groups and only want to destrory and discredit.
This, I have learned (how the system works), unfortunately- the HARD WAY!
The other day you saw Elon amplify my work (the presentation 3 years ago in Arizona). 9.5 million individuals saw a clip of my initial exposing of how Social Securty Numbers were being used in a fraudulent racket and how it affects our voting. (see photo) Feb 9th this happened! (overnight 2 am when Elon saw it).
That next day Elon had his team just do a cursory scan of the SSN database and he immediately tweeted on the 11th:
Now think of how much headway our whole contry has made. And I tell you it has been taxing on everyone involved.
As Mel K said: The swap is the USA at the moment and DC is really a sewer
But worst of all, in all of this battle I think is how Conservatives have responded. We know the system is broke. We know there is no news in the news. Yet, the rumor mill thrives.
There are many things which trouble me greatly.
The way I am wired is I call it like it is! If the methodology is broken, and I can assist, I will provide insight. I cannot give someone a pass, just because they have a 'certain image' or have 'spent tons of money'. For me, it is either right or it is wrong. That does depend on whether you are a Republican or Democrat. Which brings me to the sensative topic of Mike Lindell.
I in no way like calling out Mike Lindell.
It is painful and it took me such a long time to even make the decision it needed to be done. In this country we are at a cross roads and we either do what it right or we will FORVER lose our great nation.
My calling out Mike is only having the same standard I have for everything. I even called out President Trump when he started saying "Bank The Ballot'. I'm focused and consistent and I care about my country and get it right and fixed is all that matters! PERIOD
We are all in this together. Yes Mike spent millions fighting this. So did I, as with Robert Beadles and many others. It is only results which matter.
We are in for a wildride come the mid-terms. There is a very strong chance the system already has Trump Lame Ducked. At the same time, with the facts being found out and the evidence coming forward and it all being tied to money laundering YOU CAN SEE HOW THE FORENSIC RESULTS OF THE AUDIT WE DID will become powerful for getting the system fixed.
YOU as a Locals Supporter is what keeps that data and ongoing process safe and secured in a proper and documented chain-of-custody, but we are now hitting a wall. We need more help, we need more supporters to keep it going. Hurricane Helen threw us all as a nation for a loop, but for us personally helping out the family farm rebuild and get back running. It has been taxing and stretching us thin.
This data needs to be kept safe forever, but at the very least year end 2027. If mid-terms go bad AND we keep finding illegal activites in government, this data is going to come into play. That means at the very least keeping it all alive digitally through December 2027.
For us, thats $320,000 dollars away. Not including the cost to regen it back up as needed for courts and prosecutions if and when deployed. We wont make that window.
By the time we get to 2027 year end we will be 780,000k into just the syatems data management. To most people that would by a huge house, to us, its the facts of history which proves what happened.
We take supporter hits every time I have to call out the RIGHT for not staying focused and wasting time, effort and money. Me calling out the posers, effects our supporters. That is what makes this work so difficult and I now know that is what enables to Deep State to win. They wear us all out! They deploy posers and fakes to attack our work, so we lose more and more. It's a game and it is sicking.
Just had to get this off my chest as we run the numbers. And G-d Bless everyone of you who support our work through Locals. Tips, new supporters, re-supporting and signing back up ALL make this work!